6mm Deluxe Bogu Set
Our “Mizu” is our best seller due to its quality vs price factor. This 6mm pitch set offers great protection, is comfortable when worn, is built with great durable material, and is light in weight. The design is clean and simple.
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The "Mizu" is a 6mm-pitch kendo bogu set - it offers good protection, and the stitch pattern offers a comfortable fit, and retains its shape nicely. The price of this bogu set lingers in the entry-level to mid-level range, but we strongly believe that the quality is higher than some of its competing models out in the market.
The base construct is orizashi, with clarino leather trimmings throughout, but the Kote's palm (tenouchi) is authentic deer leather. The mengane is duralumin and IBB for good balance and weight. The mendare has a tighter stitch to offer durability and shape retention. The uchiwa's fabric is a quick dry material with anti-bacterial treatment. The general futon of this set is well-padded. This set comes with a simple PVC do, with a clean simple mune.
This set is good for regular practice and competitions. A great all-rounder bogu set, good for beginners and established kendo players.