Kendo has a lot of vocab and terms. We hope that this “Kendo Dictionary” will help you understand them. The list below is nowhere near complete. Our team will continue to update them.

Last updated: 8/16/2024

Kendo terms - Kendo Dictionary


Ai Chudan 会い中断 Both players are in equal chudan (middle) stance.
Aite 相手 Opponent.
Aiuchi 相打ち An action where a point is scored simultaneously.
Ashi Sabaki 足捌き Footwork.
Ayumi-Ashi 歩み足 Normal walking footwork where the left and right leg move alternately


Bogu 防具 Armor. Protective gear used in Kendo. Consists of Men (Helmet), Kote (Gloves) Do (Chest and waist armor), and Tare (thigh and groin protector).
Bokken 木剣 Wooden sword. Mainly used for Kata. Also known as Bokuto. Long sword is called Daito, and short sword is called Shoto.
Bokuto 木刀 Wooden sword. Mainly used for Kata. Also known as Bokken. Long sword is called Daito, and short sword is called Shoto.


Chudan 中段 A stance in Kendo where the shinai is held in a middle position.
Chuuken 中堅 3rd person in a team match – usually 5 people. Senpo (1st), Jiho (2nd), Chuuken (3rd), Fukusho (4th), Taisho (5th)


Dan Expert’s degree. Commonly known as black belts in other martial arts. Shodan (1 Dan), Nidan (2 Dan), Sandan (3 Dan), Yondan (4 Dan), Godan (5 Dan), Rokudan (6 Dan), Nanadan (7 Dan), and Hachidan (8 Dan)
Dojo 道場 A location / gym / hall where martial arts is practiced.
Do/Dou Waist/Torso. Can refer to the actual strike area or the torso armour of a Kendo bogu.
Dou Ari 胴あり Dou point awarded.


Encho 延長 Overtime in a Kendo match.


Fukusho 副署 4th person in a team match – usually 5 people. Senpo (1st), Jiho (2nd), Chuuken (3rd), Fukusho (4th), Taisho (5th)


Gokaku Geiko 互角稽古 Practice/training between students of similar rank.
Gyaku Do 逆胴 The left part of the do.


Hajime 初め Begin
Hakama Pleated trousers worn in Kendo. Traditional Japanesee trousers.
Hansoku 反則 Foul/Violation.
Hansoku Ikkai 反則一回 First Foul/Violation.
Hansoku Nikai 反則二回 Second Foul/Violation. 2 fouls awards the opponent a point.
Hatsu-Geiko 初場稽古 New Year’s training.
Hidari Left
Hiki 引き To evade.
Hiki Waza 引き技 An attack made from Tsuba-zeriai while moving backward or separating.
Himo Thick strings or cords. Men-Himo, Kote-Himo, Do-Himo, Tare-Himo, etc.


Ippon 一本 A valid one point in Kendo.
Issoku-Ittoo-No-Maai 一速一刀の間合い “One Step One Cut/Stike


Ji-Geiko 自稽古 Free practice/sparring
Jiho 寺宝 2nd person in a team match – usually 5 people. Senpo (1st), Jiho (2nd), Chuuken (3rd), Fukusho (4th), Taisho (5th)



Kakari-Geiko 係り稽古 A practice where the student performs all skill sets in full force non-stop without pause. (Editor’s comment: pure torture)
Kamae 構え To be ready. Ready position in Kendo.
Kata Set pieces practiced by two students with bokken/bokuto. Prearranged attacks and counters.
Keiko 稽古 Practice
Keikogi 稽古衣 Jacket worn in Kendo. Also known as Keikogi.
Kendo 剣道 Literally means “The way of the sword“
Kendogi 剣道衣 Jacket worn in Kendo. Also known as Keikogi.
Kendoka 剣道家 A person who practices Kendo.
Kenshi 剣士 A person who practices Kendo.
Kiai 気合 “Spirit” – Expressed by a loud yell in Kendo.
Kihon 基本 Basics
Kote 小手 Wrist. Can refer to the strike area in Kendo, or the gauntlet/gloves of a Kendo bogu.


Men Head/Face. Can refer to the actual strike area, or the helmet of a Kendo bogu.


Rei A broad term expressing respect. Usually accompanied by a bow in Kendo.
Reigi 礼儀 A very specific method of showing respect.
Reiho 礼法 Etiquette, respect, or courtesy.


Sensei 先生 Teacher
Shiai 試合 Tournament
Shihan 師範 Instructor
Shinai 竹刀 Bamboo sword. Main weapon used in Kendo practice.
Suburi 素振り Sword (Shinai or Bokuto) swing practice
Suriashi 摺り足 Footwork which uses a sliding technique in Kendo.


Tare Thigh and groin protector of a Kendo bogu set.
Tsuki Stab to the throat area in Kendo.