Kendo Bogu Deodorizer - "Zeroff"

The raw materials are inorganic minerals and citrus extracts. The principle is to decompose odors, deodorize, and remove stains through chelation technology using mineral ionization reaction.

Smell good so your motodachi loves you.

How to use Zeroff:

  • The manufacturer suggests the instructions below.
  • Spray over equipment after use to reduce/eliminate odor.
  • Although it is shown as a bogu deodorizer, this product can be used on hats, shoes, gloves, and other sporting equipment exposed to sweat, which causes odor.
  • The product can also be used in closed areas such as lockers, fridges, and bags.
  • The product can be used to remove stains on sporting equipment caused by sweat, salt, or even blood.
  • Spray the subject from approximately 6 to 10 inches away, allowing a wide coverage.
  • In case of overspray, and if you witness heavy droplets, wipe them off with a dry towel.


  • Do not mix with other products. Chemical reactions can cause harm.
  • Do not use for purposes other than deodorization and stain removal.
  • If used in an enclosed space, please ventilate well after use.
  • Do not throw the container.
  • If you plan on using this product on surfaces such as glass, leather, or other surfaces that can change color, test it on a small surface with a small amount of the product before use.
  • If not used for a prolonged time, the mixture can create sediments in the container. Shake well before use for improved results.
  • In the case of direct contact with your eyes or swallowed, please wash with cold water immediately and seek medical attention if needed.

Each container is marked with a production date. Please note that the product expires three years from production date.